
3 reasons why working from bed is actually good for productivity

Hurray, the .org TLD won’t be sold off to a private company

Intel unveils 10th-gen desktop CPUs, including 5.3GHz flagship

Please don’t let Assassin’s Creed Valhalla be too much like Odyssey

This surreal AR hologram of Israel’s president is a meme in the making

Scientists enhance robotic surgery by giving human controllers electric shocks

15 simple tips to get better search results on Google

Zoom played itself when it lied about having 300M daily active users

Tesla’s self-driving tech will pivot to subscription service — good shit, or just shit?

If cocktail bars and strip clubs can adapt their businesses, then so can you

Daily Distraction: Become the next Picasso with these artistic tools

Alien oceans are home to some unusual chemistry

Screw shitty webcams, I’m using a DSLR for all my video conferences now